Exchange between ARS and SEK for today
How much is 100 Argentine pesos in Swedish crowns?
Today, 1 ARS (Argentine peso) is equivalent to 0.01069 SEK (swedish crown)
The exchange rate has suffered a variation of 0.00856% compared to the previous day, assuming an increase of 0.00009 points
The exchange rate refers to the value of a country’s currency in relation to another currency. In other words, it is the proportion of exchange that exists between two different currencies.
Exchange rates fluctuate continuously and are established by the supply and demand of each currency in the foreign exchange market, also known as FOREX
The last 10 changes
We show you the last 10 exchange rates between ARS (Argentine peso) and SEK (swedish crown) prior to today.
If you click on a date we show you the data for that specific day.
Date | Exchange | Variation | Increase |
04/10/2024 | arrow_drop_up 0.01069 | 0.00856% | 0.00009 |
03/10/2024 | arrow_drop_up 0.01060 | 0.00185% | 0.00002 |
02/10/2024 | arrow_drop_down 0.01058 | -0.00049% | -0.00001 |
01/10/2024 | arrow_drop_up 0.01058 | 0.00895% | 0.00009 |
30/09/2024 | arrow_drop_up 0.01049 | 0.00310% | 0.00003 |
29/09/2024 | arrow_drop_up 0.01045 | 0.00015% | 0.00000 |
28/09/2024 | arrow_drop_up 0.01045 | 0.00019% | 0.00000 |
27/09/2024 | arrow_drop_down 0.01045 | -0.00066% | -0.00001 |
26/09/2024 | arrow_drop_down 0.01046 | -0.00531% | -0.00006 |
25/09/2024 | arrow_drop_up 0.01051 | 0.00446% | 0.00005 |
Evolution of exchange value
Here you have the graph of the evolution of the change between ARS (Argentine peso) and SEK (swedish crown) in 4 different time units.
Initially, the change value for the last year is shown, showing the values day by day.
If you wish, you can view the evolution week by week, month by month or year by year.
Other ways users are asking about this change
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Today’s main changes
The main market exchange rates are determined by a combination of supply and demand, monetary policies of central banks, inflation rates and the political and economic stability of countries. In addition, government interventions, market expectations and the balance of payments also play a role. These variables continually interact, causing fluctuations in exchange rates in the global currency market.
Based on these criteria, this would be the list of the main exchange rates in the market:
Currencies | Exchange | Variation | Increase |
EUR - USD | arrow_drop_down 1.09685 | -0.00587% | -0.00647 |
EUR - GBP | arrow_drop_down 0.83561 | -0.00616% | -0.00518 |
EUR - JPY | arrow_drop_up 163.22793 | 0.00719% | 1.16582 |
EUR - CHF | arrow_drop_up 0.94165 | 0.00102% | 0.00096 |
EUR - NZD | arrow_drop_up 1.78021 | 0.00234% | 0.00416 |
USD - GBP | arrow_drop_down 0.76183 | -0.00029% | -0.00022 |
USD - JPY | arrow_drop_up 148.81491 | 0.01314% | 1.92984 |
USD - CAD | arrow_drop_up 1.35744 | 0.00145% | 0.00197 |
USD - CHF | arrow_drop_up 0.85850 | 0.00693% | 0.00591 |
USD - NZD | arrow_drop_up 1.62302 | 0.00826% | 0.01329 |
USD - HKD | arrow_drop_down 7.76711 | -0.00015% | -0.00115 |
NZD - JPY | arrow_drop_up 91.69011 | 0.00484% | 0.44190 |